Nattawat Pornthisan
Nattawat Pornthisan
- [x] BUG REPORT - [ ] FEATURE REQUEST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > BUG REPORT ### Expected behavior The first bit transmitted to the master, after `READ_BLOCK`, is `0xff`. ### Actual behavior...
- [x] BUG REPORT - [ ] FEATURE REQUEST ### Expected behavior `test_data[1024]` values obtained from slave via `READ_BLOCK` should contains four repeats of numbers 0 to 255 and it...
### Changes Made - Added `DMA` handshake select in `sysctl` - Added `DmacExt` struct for constraining `pac::DMAC` for `Dmac` instance - Ported some `DMAC` driver from C++ library into `Dmac`...
### Changes Made - Implemented a APB1 and APB2 clock controls - Added `APB1` and `APB2` field to `Clocks` struct - Added basic SCCB operation eg. send/receive data - Added...