Sam Van Campenhout

Results 21 issues of Sam Van Campenhout

**Describe the bug** We have a route that creates certain records when they don't exist yet. We assign them default values on creation by passing data into the `createRecord` method....


Can anyone explain why snake_case is the recommended naming convention for route segments? The [route-segments-snake-case documentation]( mentions `Ember doesn't have to do extra serialization in order to resolve promises` but...


I'm trying to create a simple codemod and I want to make it possible for end users to simply run that codemod once, without having to install it as a...

After fixing some linting errors that were previously added to the `.lint-todo` file I ran `npm run lint:hbs` to check if I didn't create any new issues. To my confusion...

The `no-triple-curlies` rule prevents users from using triple curlies when they want to output unsafe html. Since there are valid use-cases the only alternative is to use Ember's htmlSafe util....


The [npm plugin documentation]( mentions the following: > The "private": true setting in package.json will be respected, and release-it will skip this step. It seems, however, that this is no...

`:id:` makes it possible to query for record which have a specific id. The inverse query is not yet possible however. Since there are valid use-cases for this, it would...

The following request `GET /resource-name?filter[attribute-name]=value&page[number]=0` will generate a response that includes the following relationship links: ``` ... { "relationships": { "relationship-name": { "links": { "self": "/resource-name/726650c7842a524c08044c5b78f7d352/links/relationship-name?filter[attribute-name]=value&page[number]=0", "related": "/people/726650c7842a524c08044c5b78f7d352/mandatories" }, },...

When you [include a relationship]( that doesn't exist the service hangs and times out after a minute with a `504 Gateway time-out` error. Example request: `GET /resource-name?include=non-existing-relationship` According to the...

[RFC 631]( introduced the `refresh` to the RouterService class. With it, users can rerun the model hooks of (specific) active routes. If the user doesn't pass in a route name...

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