Tzu-Wei Sung
Tzu-Wei Sung
Yes, I plan to release it after the model trained on VCTK is done!
Hi, **the vocabulary table should contain "all symbols that you expect your model to predict"**. If the model is expected to predict "English Vocabulary", for example, then the vocabulary table...
Hi, 1. If you want to add space symbol, i will recommend you to replace the space with a special token like `` (both transcriptions and vocabulary table) 2. I...
@mjhanphd In fact, I train a word-based ASR on Librispeech, but it ran out of my resource on my machine because of enumerous data. Alternatively, I use [VCTK]( to train...
@mjhanphd Is there any error message for reference? Indeed, I feel that `tensorflow.estimator.Estimator.evaluate` and `tensorflow.estimator.Estimator.predict` are extremely slow compared with `tensorflow.estimator.train_and_evaluate`. I cannot figure out the reasons. Also, any paper...
Also, I have released scripts of processing and training on VCTK dataset. If you are interested in it, you can check `vctk/` for more details. I will update the results...
I've never run into this kind of problem, at least in TIMIT and VCTK. In addition, it seems that the result on librispeech is not so good? How about the...
Paper is here It's quite similar to CTC loss.
Hi all, I am sorry I have just noticed this thread. It's more than welcome to submit a PR for it! Thanks!
Sorry for the late reply. You have to use `tfa.losses.SigmoidFocalCrossEntropy(reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.AUTO)` to reduce the loss to scalar. I'm not sure why we make it default to `NONE`. @AakashKumarNain Could you confirm...