Glad to see LINQ-to-Anything quest continues, Bart... I do see Where, Select, etc... on IAsyncEnumerable interface... thus I gather that will be possible to use full LINQ syntax/expressions in form:...
LUA 5.3
LuaRT-Studio (release v1.6.0) comes with "lua.exe" (interpreter?, in bin folder) that has dependency on "lua51.dll". Is there a way to get "lua.exe", however that targets v53 or v54 of lua?...
Hello, Thank you for the comprehensive cross-platform 2D Graphics library... What was a driving motivation for not selecting Win2D as the API for UWP Platform? As Win2D is native to...
**Problem:** Have build Windows IoT image (flash.ffu) with ADDONKITVER. While the IoT OS was installed and it runs, it is without network or bluetooth functionality. It seems as if supplied...
I am a bit a a lose, as to how to use Seq2SeqSharp for image classification... perhaps is not possible? First step, as I understand for image classification is to...
What could be a reason for Windows IoT Boot freeze? This happens right after install, during first boot... the blue Windows logs is shown, and dot cycle spins once full...