Oh. Were you building at the edge of ungenerated chunks or something then? 🤔
Can you send a small world save with reproduction steps? This bug has been around for awhile, but I've only experienced it myself in multiplayer, and only very sporadically, so...
Worlds now disconnect if the host can't respond to a ping, so it shouldn't keep you in limbo like that any more. Hopefully. If it still happens to anyone, they...
This isn't an issue with this version so I'm closing it.
What ImaginaryNeon said. Also there's probably an alert telling you if you're banned, assuming it works.
This has now been implemented in the form of passwords. You can add a password when opening a world so only people that know it can join.
I capped it at I think 512 characters now.
I commented out the "drop block" code, so it no longer crashes.
> I know but its not that detailed It's a wiki because anyone (including you) can edit it to make it more detailed. You could've just edited it with the...
This appears to be about Thingmaker's version