The version that was already in the code used p2.x, p2.y, p2.z for the X, Y, Z since I was using it from the dev console while I played. It...
Lol I've known about this since before I released the game. But noise overflow has nothing to do with it, unlike the real Minecraft farlands. This is caused by too...
Lol yeah, chunks stay loaded forever after they're generated. So would definitely run out of memory.
Well the obvious solution to this is to remove global access to the `player` object then, since this is clearly something everybody does during normal gameplay.
Nothing special. Just hit backspace and it crashes lol. Pretty easy to reproduce.
Fair enough. In this case I knew that the backspace key only does anything in the game scene. It's supposed to throw a block on the ground, but that was...
Yeah, the last physics update causes item to clip through the ground a lot. I'll fix that soon:tm:
I could've sworn I replied last night. But yeah I switched from `e.key` to `e.code`, which specifies which specific key was pressed. So now it's LeftShift instead of Shift. I...
That sounds interesting lol. So basically what's happening is that you're requesting a copy of the multiplayer world from the world's host. They're either not sending that copy of the...
If it was the entire world, then I would have a couple ideas, but the fact that it's only the hotbar leaves me clueless.