Lehman Black

Results 9 issues of Lehman Black

I like the way that on the computed panel on chrome dev tools shows you a colored square next to any color value and by clicking on that square you...

help wanted

Is it possible to show the actual CSS selectors from my stylesheet that are being applied to each compared item? Right now CSS-Diff just shows differences from the built in...

help wanted

I like that CSS-Diff show computed differences, but what about when using %'s and ems? It's great if I can see Div A is 100px wide and Div B is...

help wanted

We share the same mongo database across several different projects. It would be nice if mongo4idea had some sort of global data source like the SQL databases do.


When I open the collection tab and scroll to an item that is far down the screen (a page or so) and I switch to the a different view (table...


We don't have the `magento` command installed globally on most of our servers, so we typically call the command with `bin/magento` from the web root. Adding `bin/magento` to the list...

# General issue Topic: https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/extension-dev-guide/message-queues/config-mq.html ## Description: In the section about `communication.xml` the document should go into a bit more detail about the difference between the `schema` and `request` attribute...

Help Wanted
Progress: ready for dev

I have the default Ubuntu nginx.conf that contains the line ` include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;` For me that directory happens to be empty and this causes gixy to crash. I would either...


I'd like to be able to use the IDE's "Go to declaration" functionality with NGINX directives. I should be able to ctrl+ click on something like `add_header` and then have...