Wil Simpson
Wil Simpson
You don't add the dependency to your Target file, you add the dependency to your Build file. You build file will be at `k:\Epic Games\project\tt2mobile 4.26\Source\tt2mobile\tt2mobile.Build.cs`
Also, the health request is handled by the Plugin. You simply need to create an instance of Agones with ```C++ AgonesSDK = CreateDefaultSubobject(TEXT("AgonesSDK")); ``` As outlined in the documentation. It...
I've been extremely busy but I'll get one as light weight as possible. The problem with an example is it really doesn't do anything the documentation doesn't illustrate and the...
I'm going to start working on this. This is my first time using Helm, but this is what I researched and came up with. It looks like the current min/max...
I was thinking how they are encoded is less important because they will be set with a `helm set` or `helm -f`. If used with `helm set` then it would...
@markmandel How would you like to handle specifying ports for allocation for backwards compatibility? I know you talked about having one `PortAllocator` per range, but I thought that would be...
> @WilSimpson Are you still working on this? Unfortunately I've been pulled other directions and haven't had time to finish the implementation.
GoCloak being a struct breaks the `accept interfaces, return structs` principal. It requires passing GoCloak as a struct when using it.
This isn't an issue with this repo, it's an issue with the protogen. You can check out the PR [#11](https://github.com/thejinchao/protoc-gen-turbolink/pull/11) for this fix.