widget-options copied to clipboard
Additional Widget options for better widget control. Available on
I’m getting the following error after activating the plugin: Error: file to import not found or unreadable: compass on line 1 of widget-options.scss
After activation the widget option plugin, the WPML language translator widget and woocomerce dropdown cart widet have not shown at frontend …. can you please help mw with this. Please...
I can't see how it applies to any WP widget I select.
Hi dear I have 2 questions, Q1- I am using woocommerce price, attributes filters widgets on sidebar that I want to show only on shop page. I selected show on...
When adding widgets (like search , meta etc. which do not require saving any options (If no widget title used)) inside customizer. These widgets removed by the plugin automatically.
I posted this on https://wordpress.org/support/topic/widget-shows-on-single-post-when-all-categories-chosen/, but I'll post it here as well since it seems like this may be the right place: "We recently started using your plugin for a...
Hi It does not work on this tablet. Lenovo Tab 10 TB-X103F ZA1U 10,1″ Android tablet It seems the tablet catch the desktop version ? https://minmadopskrift.dk/cafemad/baguette-burger-grillet.html/ What to do? Regards...
Missing line for TAG archives. When widget is set to "Show only" it display on every tag archiver page even if it's not set to display on it.
Hi, Great plugin, thank you for it! From what I can see there is no easy way to predefine a set of custom CSS classes. I am a theme author...