Nick Williams

Results 45 issues of Nick Williams

### What version of `@astrojs/compiler` are you using? 2.7.0 ### What package manager are you using? npm ### What operating system are you using? mac ### Describe the Bug I...

needs triage

### Astro Info ```block Astro v4.5.5 Node v18.15.0 System macOS (arm64) Package Manager npm Output static Adapter none Integrations none ``` ### If this issue only occurs in one browser,...

needs triage

we can add `QrCreator` to `globalThis` rather than `self` which will have the same effect, but will allow for importing in non-browser environments

I have given little (read: zero) consideration for accessibility. I'm not sure on how best to approach it, or even where to start. I suspect that the best approach would...

Whilst it has a working demo it is otherwise not very helpful to visitors

By accepting backgroundColor as a prop, any change to the hue slider will always cause a re-render of map (as the bg hue changes). if we move this prop to...

I have a repo where the docs are colocated with source, but crucially not as a monorepo, just sibling directories. My `npm run build` command builds source, not astro. Of...

There should be some way to configure the various headings. Rather than month and year being separate, maybe you want a single heading that encompasses both The easy option would...
