Nick Williams

Results 139 comments of Nick Williams

For reasons I can't quite recall, the `main` field of `package.json` is set to `./src` rather than the `./dist/enquire.js`. So currently, you should be able to import enquire like this:...

Actually, I take that back, I can import enquire.js directly, as seen here: ```js import enquire from "enquire.js"; ```

Since these bugs are demonstrable in the matchMedia API, I'd say there's little I can do about it except wait for the bug to be fixed. Do you think I...

@sachinjsk can you whip up a little fiddle/codepen to demo the problem (ideally a reduced test case)?

For the repaint, could you not just read any property on anything and then write that exact value back? e.g. `window.scrollY = window.scrollY`? Slightly simpler than creating new nodes etc......

Guys, apologies for being elusive... I have a load of time this week to investigate this. Can someone confirm whether the big was ever present on iPhone or just iPad?...

I've got some updates for the docs waiting to be pushed which (amongst other things) drops all but necessary dependencies, so it won't need jQuery or zepto at all in...

Yes, enquire assumes a polyfill has been loaded. if you don't want to include the whole polyfill you can easily provide a stub implementation for older browsers: ``` js window.matchMedia...

This may have taken me 3 years, but I'm close to updating the docs to fix this. Thanks for your (extreme) patience 😆

Travis, massive thanks for helping out :) very kind of you to offer your time. This issue has been noted previously, see #38. Unfortunately, this is also the behaviour that...