@chkuang-g can you help @tylerfangfb with the requested information? I can't believe this is not already supported. :/ More and more apps are created as "Gaming" app on Facebook because...
Along with some documentation or example for using the `query` object mentioned in the documentation. Took me ages to figure out I could write `this.$.myRef.query.set(...)`. We shouldn't have to dig...
Having same issue but I'm using DOTween v1.1.660 (a bit scared to upgrade because project is already Live). From Crashlytics (15 users): > Non-fatal Exception: java.lang.Exception > IndexOutOfRangeException : Index...
Thanks Joe, I will try it out later! In-case you know off the bat, do you _**think**_ this is available for Fire _base_ (noticed that the new topic talks alot...