Title says it all. We sometimes have reasons to be on older framework. Like application support for Windows XP(my mum uses it for work reasons)
Setting CC and CXX to clang and clang++ perspectively causes a failed build. `libdigidocpp` builds successfully on clang. ``` [whosethenerd@whosethenerd-pc DigiDoc4-Client]$ CC="clang" CXX="clang++" cmake -B build -S . -- The...
Title says it all. When setting `MinWidth`, the `ActualWidth`always stays at 0(Because it is readonly).
Like the project. I am trying to use my stm32 as display renderer, so I needed to make it as i2c slave and set the Wire pins to I2C2. Arduino...
Decoding support for base64 embedded jpeg xl images would be nice. Any plans for that?
Generating Clion project needs to generate cmake files, which errors for me. Might want to document what this error means and how to fix it for most of the cases....
Running model.py gives me Out of memory crash on a system with 32GB of RAM. The log: https://bin.snopyta.org/?0b74cdff60bad1ed#5BJRf22DBYiAc7Zw1CdfXbK6EejXyW9Aqx5qmn7UeioJ