Results 27 issues of Seth Daniel

There should be a quick section about Neovim in the README, along with the sublime, vscode, etc... docs. I can do this, but wanted to make sure you were aware....

This may be specific to Neovim, but I don't know if it's a bug with Neovim or not. Given this perl file: ``` #!/usr/bin/env perl content; ``` If I now...

Now that there is an automatic build can it also publish the npm package whenever a build occurs? For now the neovim installer depends on the npm package so any...

An example setting up `lsp-inlayhints`: ```lua vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("LspAttach_inlayhints", {}) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("LspAttach", { group = "LspAttach_inlayhints", callback = function(args) if not ( and then return end local bufnr = args.buf local client...

For reference: perlimports: video about it: One thing I really like about programming in Go is that gopls can be configured to run goimports. This automatically adds imports...
