Results 56 comments of Seth Daniel

Hi @alanjjenkins , you can try which does exactly this. I wrote it for the very use-case you mention.

or document how to use lsp-format with goldsmith. It may be better to do this than integrate with lsp-format.

It would also replace nvim-lsp-installer, fwiw.

All needed programs are now part of Mason. Need to experiment with API and see about unassisted installs via the API.

there's also vim.ui.input()

Could also use a queue that is processed when `gopls` is actually ready. This can be used in lieu of CursorHold events (which are going to be more expensive).

perhaps should be able to support buffer-specific tags options.

May be a bit confusing with GoAddTags etc.... Those tags are for structs. The tags discussed here are for compilation.