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Use Neovim features, such as built-in LSP and tree-sitter, and develop Go code.

Results 21 goldsmith.nvim issues
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check `:h lsp-buf` for any other commands that are missing from current config.

[LSP Format]( is a great plugin for async formatting. Support and use it, if installed. It already installs some of the things required. Adding the missing items seems simple. mason is still alpha.

`gopls` can be very slow to respond after initial start. This is due, mostly, to it needing to download required packages for the current module. This can take time (many...

Support a :GoTags command. use tags specified by this command in commands that accept tags.

Specifically `richgo` and `ginkgo`. Possibly others.

Startup time is slow. The reason is obvious: a lot of checking for tools and retrieving information about them. This can and should be done asynchronously.

Following discussion on #11 ,I concluded that what I'm seeing is a more specific issue. The upgrade from `go` 1.17.11 to 1.18.3 resulted in an increase in LunarVim startup time...