Sorry, but somehow that makes no sense and there is no need for a temporary workaround. I already know which Filament i am going to print. So choosing different temperatures...
Hey, i don' wan't to offend you! Just a suggestion to make Octodash more comfortable and usable. There are far better options, than preheating to a random temperature, for example:...
Ok, then i misinterprated your "But whatever". :-) I like the themes and style. So great work! :-)
The simplest way to realise that would be to add a simple Temperature/Preheat-button, wich opens a configurable submenu with the different temperatures for the different materials. There is no necessity...
That sounds like a good comfortable solution! Yes, preheating should be for the bed and hotend. At best with a M190 command, so that the hotend only starts heating when...