I have a similar use case, that might be fulfilled with a general type of custom metadata, but even better by the proposed defined-metadata-fields (price). In my country we have...
Using only binaryMessages was causing other problems for me, so I found this to handle the error on the spring server: ``` package com.beskgroup.dst.backend.config; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.web.socket.TextMessage;...
I have the same problem. Setting the branch option to refs/pull-requests/*/from on the configuration for the whole project would disable the other jobs for the release+develop+feature-branches.
I absolutely agree with @ohamada
Great to know, that you are working on a fix. Thank you. Great plugin, we use it very extensively
The option with multiple branches in the URL seems perfect for me, so Jenkins will do the filtering on what it actually wants to build.
Just to pitch into the people requesting this. I would also really appreciate a nice way to transport my errors to the frontend by following the specification. I have the...