
Results 7 issues of ShaoZhihao

在执行docker build -t kbqa:V0.1 . 命令时出现的两个错误,有人可以解答吗?谢谢各位! => ERROR [14/15] RUN /usr/local/bin/pip3.6 install -r requirements.txt -i https://pypi.tun 71.6s ------ > [14/15] RUN /usr/local/bin/pip3.6 install -r requirements.txt -i && rm -rf...

你好,在服务器上运行代码中出现bus error,请问是什么错误 ![image](

Thanks for your work! Could you release the preprocessed data and training instruction, please. Thanks!!

Hello, if I want use the SMPL of 300 principle component , how can I use this version, change the dims of beta and use the the v1.1.0 model. Is...

Hello! How can I find the code of fitting SMPL-X models through 3D KeyPoints estimated from multi-view video by a light-weight total capture method? Thanks so much!!

Thanks for your great work! But I encountered the problem. It seems like some problem in the addAnimation() Do you have any suggestion? Thanks!
