Can confirm this: Windows 11, with scaling on 125% ksnip works fine, a higher scale zooms the desktop in on a quarter or so of the screen. It takes a...
> Hi, I can recheck again to make it remanent by looking how the other add-on is doing it, I just wanted to avoid taking the work from another ;...
> Ok, I've pushed a test version that should restore the link with the /data. Please let me know if that works, or the latest version of the addon that...
> I switch in Oct 2022 from CONFIGSOURCE="/config/addons_config/omada" To CONFIGSOURCE="/data" > > To be sure, do you have a folder named /config/addons_config/omada? Yes I have, only containiing one file: /homeassistant/addons_config/omada/config.yaml