
Results 20 comments of WestFarmer

for the xml dtd part, I think it will be easy to define a table template element which can have exact child elements of table element.

@jeffgbutler can you give me a hint which java class to work on, I want to contribute on this one .

I think it's ok, will work on this. @jeffgbutler

> 就是i18n的配置问题,找到本地的文件找错了,看一下官方配置,然后配置下就好了,我的已经改好了 怎么配置的?

there is so much stuff need to add in chart values: 1. extra vloume mount, to mount timezone file for example 2. dns config, to use private dns server for...

我还想让加经纬度呢,哈哈。 要不,搞个众筹模式,我可以接贵州省。 @jaywcjlove

I can confirm this again with 6.4.2. any progress?

> @WestFarmer Sorry, no progress, CJK fonts support is very complicated and currently this is not a high priority task You can contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) to discuss our priorities ok, that's...

Microsoft tend to keep it secret: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/156d8827-2a4a-4eaa-b518-1cebb71a5e8b/how-can-i-calculate-cjk-font-single-line-spacing?forum=os_binaryfile

of couse Jersey can use SLF4J, slf4j has many bridge api for other logging frameworks.