@jeffgbutler I developed some generator plugins, I belive it's useful to output some informative message when running.
also, I think the maven log imeplementation can be refactored a little bit. use case: for plugin development, I want to set different log level for my plugin only, with...
> If that's the case, if it's a front-end validation error, loop in @JoelJacobStephen to fix. it's front-end, no request made to backends yet. @liyasthomas
from the [source code](https://github.com/hoppscotch/hoppscotch/blob/main/packages/hoppscotch-sh-admin/src/components/teams/Add.vue). only checking for non-empty value for owner email: ``` if (ownerEmail.value.trim() === '') { toast.error(`${t('teams.valid_owner_email')}`); return; } ``` When entering all the correct values at once,...
> > 5. submit again > > @WestFarmer when you submit again, is the email input field empty or not? Does it actually have a valid email ID at that...
> @WestFarmer I have raised a PR to fix the issue and have validated the fix from my end. Can you let me know if this PR properly fixes your...
I am facing same problem with version 7.5.1 my oauth2-proxy was exposed at https://api.itps.xxx.com/ and upstream is http://pus.itps-services.svc.cluster.local/pus inside oauth2-proxy container I can access that endpoint: ``` ~ $ wget...
three years later, still can't set font-size for this app ?