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EdiZon_CheatsConfigsAndScripts copied to clipboard

The official EdiZon Editor Config and Editor Script repository.

Results 35 EdiZon_CheatsConfigsAndScripts issues
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+ Added - Hyrule Bass x999 - Palm Fruit x999

when I go to the cheats page it shows no cheats for the game but I have the file on the sd card along with the other codes for other...

Add qty to 99 for item slot 1, 2 and 3

hey, the cheats doesnt work for me. i habe try to rename the txt to my build id: C208DB6A4EF4361F but nothing. i have tried to use the shiny codes.

Stardew valley 0100E65002BB8000.json crashes atmosphere every time I try to edit the save file. Error code 2168-0001

When I download the build.zip with all the cheats and scripts, (https://api.edizon.werwolv.net/v3/build.zip) I keep getting an error when trying to extract with Winrar. It says "Unexpected End Of Archive"

God Eater 3 Cheats video was for Sx os but I used them in edizon perfectly fine. [god eater update game 1.4.0] [GOD EATER 3 CODE MASTER 1.4.0] 580F0000 0476A9B8...

Hey there's heaps of cheats missing which can be found on switchcheatsdb. Any plans to import them continuously?