https://imgur.com/K4CSUpJ What does it means? i saw some colored voxels pop out.Is it because i generate some useless vertex in the mesh?
https://imgur.com/X2DpSYC https://imgur.com/HrTseoE But it seems impossible,because i have made a clamp function to cut the mesh to avoid it out of the section
ok, thank u for your suggestions.I have checked my mesh is fine.And i found a temporary solution~When i rotate the plane a little bit.Like set the Rotation (0.1,0,0),the strange particle...
Wow~ Thanks Shane for reminding me! I didn't notice I have to add the .meta files. Maybe I will do a simple update soon.
I have the similar issue. I have tried Captura v9.0.0-beta3.1.I use a laptop 1920 * 1080 and a 4k monitor.When i record in the monitor, the capture area will always...
I found the solution finally.Something changed in the recent oF releases. addFrame(img.getPixels().getData(), w, h, img.getPixels().getBitsPerPixel(), _duration); This will be ok
Thanks for reply.That's a wonderfull addons : )
Thanks,SoylentGraham. But i have already installed the SDK from here ( https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads ) ,still not working~~It's version 8.0 . Or should i installed version 7.5??