Wenjie Du

Results 14 issues of Wenjie Du

As mentioned in #7, I am trying to update and fix the dependencies of the development environment for testing cases. Expecting this can help speed up the processing of setting...

# PyPOTS: a Python toolbox for data mining on Partially-Observed Time Series (POTS) 在从现实中采集到的时序数据里,缺失值非常常见,我们并不喜欢它们,但是不论我们是否喜欢,数据总是会因为各种各样的原因而缺失,可能是人为的,可能是因为传感器故障,等等。人们在处理缺失数据时一般是采用删除和填补,删除即直接删掉带有缺失值的部分,而填补一般也是直接使用一些默认值或者是众数、平均值,中位数等,这都很容易引入bias,误导模型。 直到2022年,这个世界上都没有一款专门的开源软件来帮助大家在不同的学习任务上建模POTS数据,PyPOTS的出现填补了这个空白。目前PyPOTS包含10种模型算法,支持填补、分类、聚类、预测4个任务。"Talk is cheap, show me the code", 大家看看开源仓库以及论文就知道PyPOTS有多好用啦。目前github repo的star数量超过300。 开源仓库: https://github.com/WenjieDu/PyPOTS 论文:https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.18811 官网:https://pypots.com 文档:https://docs.pypots.com 教程:https://github.com/BrewPOTS

**Describe the issue**: **Environment**: - NNI version: 3.0 - Training service (local|remote|pai|aml|etc): local - Client OS: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.13.0-30-generic x86_64) - Server OS (for remote mode only): -...

### 1. Feature description Although, in the CSDI paper, the authors discussed using the model for time series forecasting, their experiments and scenarios are for complete time series. However, the...

new feature

### Issue description The current templates are old ones. Now the framework is updated, hence, templates have to be renewed as well.


### 1. Feature description For multi-task methods, they should be across tasks, rather than having separate implementation for each task. ### 2. Motivation This can help simplify the code. ###...

new feature

### 1. Feature description More useful and important info should be included and saved into model files, e.g. PyPOTS version, model hyperparameters, etc. ### 2. Motivation For example, the saved...

new feature

### 1. Feature description Remind users of the best model from which epoch after model training. ### 2. Motivation Make users be aware of the best model from which epoch....

new feature

### Issue description 为了方便国内中文用户的使用以及中文的检索,我们需要一个中文版本的README


### 1. Model description Pyraformer should be included in PyPOTS, and could start from the imputation task. ```bibtex @inproceedings{liu2022pyraformer, title={Pyraformer: Low-Complexity Pyramidal Attention for Long-Range Time Series Modeling and Forecasting},...
