Results 2 issues of Zephyr

使用nohup ./mcl & 在后台运行mcl之后,启动 bot.py提示连接成功,但是无法接受群消息。 ![OOXILM{J34O93@I7EP9D2F]( ---code--- @miraicle.Mirai.receiver('GroupMessage') def hello_to_group(bot: miraicle.Mirai, msg: miraicle.GroupMessage): print(msg.plain) if msg.plain in ['Hello', 'hello']: bot.send_group_msg(, msg=[miraicle.Plain('Hello world!'), miraicle.Face().from_face_id(74), miraicle.At(qq=msg.sender)])

**Describe the bug** I can not train GS model via XV3DTools. **To Reproduce** When I click start training: 1. finished extract the image from mp4. 2. Exhaustive feature matching cannot...