Wenchao Ding

Results 10 issues of Wenchao Ding

Hey, @nicklockwood I'm thinking about whether to add this functionality: when a formfield is an option type and not a collection type, pop the view controller immediately when the option...

Hey u there? In AutoLayout the star didn't resize, and I fixed by this: ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/5186464/6092540/82a9d464-af1e-11e4-8215-62a84b502b05.png) I saw you have stoped to maintain this project?

Like this in UIImageView+BetterFace.m: \+ (void)load { hack_uiimageview_bf(); } I use this code and success to parse the image in the demo. I think it would be more intuitive and...

![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/5186464/14669038/9d0d9922-0719-11e6-9496-eea13ab47350.png) 关于这个题,应该不需要探究这么深,比如viewController对self.view是strong引用,view对subviews数组是strong,而数组NSArray对里面的元素也是strong,因此viewController对self.view的所有subview都已经存在strong引用了,因此即使非IB,添加子view也可以weak。跟是否IB没啥关系了

Hey, @dzenbot I found your webViewController is really helpful, especiall the ProgressView part. But in some case, the url in the titleView might appears a bit wierd. Maybe we can...


Add button highlighted effect by replacing background color with background color-image

I've set collectionView scrollenable to false, and delayContentTouches to false, shouldCancelContentTouchesInView to true, using swift , but the swipeView scroll will still be delayed

Hi nick, I used UITableView as SwipeView itemView, but everytime I begin draging, the tableView will scroll to top Cell. I traced the code here in layoutItemViews: ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/5186464/5850670/07a53ccc-a235-11e4-9fde-e63b927e1411.png) Every time...

Hi there. There is a contentsize problem when I set the alighment to SwipeViewAlignmentEdge. I set this property for keeping a short horizontal spacing between items. I have 8 items,...

Hi,I've recently use your code.It's very useful,except that two issues I've found: 1.ZoomIn and ZoomOut.It's symmetrical.When I zoom out one time,I need to zoom in for 2 or 3 times....