
Results 3 issues of WellJay

`OmsPortalOrderServiceImpl.calcPerCouponAmount()` 特殊情况无法分摊平均, 商品 10、10、10 总价 30元 优惠金额10元; (10 / 30) * 10 = 3.330 三个优惠加起来9.990元。

How do I update the asynchronous write code after I upgrade the dependent version version: 0.3.1-patch --> 0.6.0-patch3 ```java ClickHouseDataSource clickHouseDataSource = this.clickHouseDataSource; try (ClickHouseConnection connection = clickHouseDataSource.getConnection(); ClickHouseStatement statement...


**Describe the unexpected behaviour** My Table SET `TTL toDateTime(dt) + toIntervalDay(15), toDateTime(dt) + toIntervalDay(3) TO VOLUME 'cold'` the config.xml is (every SSD 700G, JuiceFS_DISK is s3,like MinIO) /data1/clickhouse/ 107374182400 /data2/clickhouse/...

unexpected behaviour