
Results 4 issues of Weiyi-Zhang258

I am trying to train Mobilenet+Deeplabv3 on Cityscpoes, I did't change any hyperparameters. The mIoU keeps fluctuating around 57, I wonder how can I get the mIoU of 70.3?

I've finished training and get a model like this: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57039926/70117507-9ba3c080-16a0-11ea-8316-2bdec4e30847.png) When I set the args like this: parser.add_argument('--load_model_path', help='if provided, load the model', type=str, default='G:/Anaconda/envs/zwy/Lib/site-packages/baselines-master/baselines-master/baselines/gail/checkpoint/trpo_gail.transition_limitation_-1.Hopper/trpo_gail.transition_limitation_-1.Hopper') It does not work. What...

Hello, I wonder which version of pytorch are you using? When I run train.py in pytorch1.5.0, I got the following error: ![屏幕截图 2021-03-12 235235](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57039926/110964489-34d68200-838e-11eb-8fc6-cfe53c76935d.png)

Hello, I am trying to implement this project into ORB-SLAM2. However, the descriptor calculated by Pynq is different from software_test. I compared one same keypoint from one picture, and this...