Not quite sure the problem about @mpgen as you mentioned. but it takes several days to run train.py with CPU tensorflow, GPU will definitely speed up the training into several...
it looks like the problem you mentioned only occurs in Windows platform, I didn't have the problem in both ubuntu and Mac system.
Hi novsub, it takes more than a minute to detect with plate, since I have only one GPU, I thought it takes so long because the system spent some time...
I think maybe the reason for the program didn't work very well on certain images is: train too long time to get overfitting. I'll try to train it, let's say,...
Yeah, sliding window really slow down the detect process. Have you ever try the only branch of this project? which the owner mentioned building a neural network to predict the...
Looking into the detect.py, with the second image used by the owner, it scaled the image into around 5 different-size images at first; then for each of these images, it...
I installed the second branch in my GPU computer, which is not on my hand right now. Therefore I can't repeat your errors today. In my mind, the error I...
Nice to know that you are focusing on the second branch. I'm also very interesting on it. Let's see if we can get some progress on it. I'll on trip...
I ran the train.py for 3 and half hours today in my GTX1080, which generated a new weights.npz file. It works for the second image, but unfortunately didn't work for...
Yeah, the second branch needs to be modified anyway. hopefully it's not too hard. I try to migrate this project to recognize the tire number, rather than car license plate,...