Samuel Rousseau
Samuel Rousseau
@darrengogh97, @emin-karadag If you need to create the missing widget it would be very easy. Just copy paste one of those. Check before copying the widget because they don't always...
@IbrahimSam96 can you send me the link of the plugin ? I will try to create the version in my branch for you.
I added the "Fundamentals" widget. For the 2 others, please refer to this widget : "stock-list-widget". You have array parameters that requires a propType that is not listed in the...
I just pushed it to my branch : You can also find all of my plugins here
You can fork my project and add the remaining components in it. If you want to use the project, you can reference it in your packages.json file, using that way...
By doing "npm install --save react-tradingview-widget", you installed the one in the NPM registry, which is not my/your version, but the original version (Rafael Klaessen's version). It should be referenced...
Example importing 3 components: import { TradingViewStockInfoWidget, TradingViewStockProfileWidget, TradingViewStockFundamentalsWidget } from 'react-tradingview-widget' Syntax is important. If you're not familiar with React, please follow some tutorials to help you with those...
Same issue here... :-(