You may want to use `thread_local` variables to tell if we are in some special executor's thread. https://github.com/facebook/folly/blob/main/folly/executors/IOThreadPoolExecutor.h#L136
works if you are compiling the latest released [liburing](https://github.com/axboe/liburing/tree/liburing-2.3). `liburing-dev` in ubuntu2204 apt source may be outdated
same here removing `-Dac108` seems to solve the problem for `arecord`, but a lot of other functions will still cause the kernel panic (e.g. pyaudio)
> > 这个准确率看起来像数据没打乱。。如果训练样本中同类扎堆的话优化效果不好的。不过我自己的数据也不好,76左右,不知道是不是没调参的原因 > > 问下有什么好的技巧吗,我自己的数据集结果也只有63%,词表也是用的自己的训练集建的 可能你本身的数据就是比较难以预测(时政如果还要进一步被分为国内,国际就比较难区分),我自己的数据也是目标分类和thunews不一样,所以本身就比较难
改小batch size,比如从128 改成32
The CI of this repo has been broken for quite a while. Not sure whether they plan to maintain tests anymore.