I tried compiling it with spksrc, but I am no coder so it was beyond me. Used the Debian Chroot package instead and have forked-daapd running via Debian. Works great,...
Well, if you've got the Debian chroot up and running then getting Improved Forked-daapd installed and setup is pretty simple. Just follow the directions in the [author's first post here](http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=387756&sid=83b19198afaf3af4295dfebec26d7720#p387756)....
Okay, seeing as there's some interest here I'll reopen the issue/request.
I also wanted to do this for both similar images and videos. I think it's not possible using the CLI. I don't know Rust, but looking at the delete code...
Well I ended up using Shortcuts and its 'terminal over ssh' stuff to switch inputs by voice command using the SourceControl part of the library. Works better than a button,...