
Results 5 comments of Wavelet303

Thanks a lot @tornikeo for your detailed answer. I will try to test the docker, and if it doesn't work I will do it via WSL2.

Previously, Minkowski Engine in its CPU version did not work on Windows due to issues with support for OpenMP instructions in the Visual Studio compiler (e.g. #pragma atomic). However, starting...

Download link for the windows package: [MinkowskiEngine-0.5.4-py3.10-win-amd64.zip](https://github.com/NVIDIA/MinkowskiEngine/files/10931944/MinkowskiEngine-0.5.4-py3.10-win-amd64.zip)

@yangsaowu @sambaPython24 @pengmy001 @WJinhai

@liujingangel @YuMeiWangddup For it to function correctly, you should install the indicated version of PyTorch and CUDA, that is, PyTorch (1.13.1) with CUDA 11.7.