Wasiq Bhamla

Results 56 issues of Wasiq Bhamla

In my repository, [Boyka-framework](https://github.com/WasiqBhamla/boyka-framework), I am using `lerna-changelog` to generate the change logs for Release. Today I was checking the what change log will get generated when I will release...

Following dependencies are moved from `info.cukes` group id to `io.cucumber` group id: - `cucumber-java` - `cucumber-junit` - `cucumber-testng` While updating these dependencies, it was observed that there was compilation errors...

breaking dependencies

- [ ] Implement existing interfaces from coteafs-selenium to make it aligned with it. - [ ] Create new interfaces which are specific to Mobile devices. - [ ] Update...

platform: android
platform: ios
severity: critical
type: refactor
state: pending
priority: p1
work: complex
effort: 4

- [ ] Capture all API calls happening after an event. - [ ] Allow user to assert on captured API calls.

type: feature
platform: android
platform: ios
severity: high
state: pending
priority: p2
work: complicated
effort: 2

Following blog has the necessary details which needs to be incorporated https://applitools.com/blog/whats-new-appium-java-client-8/?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=organic-social&utm_term=applitools-cat-li&utm_campaign=whats-new-in-appium-java-client-8


When I am using common blocks in Yaml and referencing it in different location in same Yaml, I get following Error message. ```bash com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "


### Version? 4.2.0 ### Browser? Not Required ### Steps to reproduce Currently there may be many fields / methods / classes which are not in use, those need to be...


In Selenium 4, `EventFiringWebDriver` has been deprecated. We need to use suggested `EventFiringDecorator` or `WebDriverListener`.


Spike card to create a static helper class for common actions: - [ ] `Mouse` class - [ ] `Keyboard` class - [ ] `TextBox` class - [ ] `SelectBox`...


## Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Currently framework does not support testing multiple language texts. ## Describe the solution you'd like Need to provide support...
