
Results 11 comments of Wasabi_Thumbs

> https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-glfw/3.3.1/ this dependency does exist, your log is showing that its only looking in maven local and then failing to find it. Can you show your repositories configuration? I...

> This happens to me a lot; I usually just remove `mavenLocal()` from my Gradle `repositories` and it works as soon as I sync again. Gradle is not the most...

The only thing that is being changed here is the build.gradle, it's clearly an issue with Gradle as it's Gradle's sole responsibility to resolve those dependencies afaik

> if it truly is a Gradle problem, you will get the same failure, but with a different stacktrace because obviously IDEA plugins do not exist there. ``` > Task...

Here it is with the --stacktrace option, for your viewing pleasure. `./gradlew desktop:run --stacktrace &> log.txt` [log.txt](https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/files/8767190/log.txt)

Q: Are you running on arm32? A: amd64 is the right term I believe Q: Did you manually build lwjgl natives on your system? A: Never built lwjgl natives manually,...

First, ensure the uniformity of your dataset. Dataset "food" likely contains many different images, different kinds of food, etc. If that were the case, I would expect results like this....

Also trying to get Jimp to work in browser. Using Node v12 on Windows and I get this: `Error: Cannot find module '../helpers/typeof' from '\node_modules\jimp\browser\lib'`

The type could at least be defined as ``Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray``, at the current moment having to do ``clampedArray as unknown as Uint8Array`` when using TS is not the best

Above implementation in action: ![image](https://github.com/dubzzz/pure-rand/assets/29989488/7602cb24-c0e2-4dde-a316-4344b0c425cb)