Christian Bartel
Christian Bartel
Hi! I am testing the latest version an something came to me... is there a way to define a button to play the sound as a "background ambience" or "music"?...
Hi! If possible, I would love if the soundboard window would remember it's previous position and open just there on the next time it is opened. And it would be...
Hi! In addition to pause and stop a fadeout button would be very nice. What do you think?
Hi! A friend wants to add a new game to the service. **MWLL = MechWarrior:LivingLegends** As far as I understood he sent maps to the maintainer of the project in...
There are new maps for MWO. If I manage to get them all as a pack, I will create another pull request for them.
Hello! 1/ The grids I have provided for the MWO maps have been wrong! My apologies for that! I have provided correct grids by mail! 2/ Will the new maps...
With an additional greyscale filter for the underlying map it would be possible to make the on-top sketches more visible and in the foreground. So the tactics itself get more...