I've created something like this. ``` ongr_elasticsearch: source_directories: - /src/Document indexes: App\Document\RightsholderDocument: hosts: [https://userlogin:password@amazon-elastic-search-address.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com:443] ``` I get an error when I connect. More precisely, after the command ``` php bin/console...
I see #tour=2 anchor but not understand how this work -( http://alvaroveliz.github.io/aSimpleTour/demos/demo-1/next.html#tour=3 not open this step `{ element : '#test-modal', tooltip : 'Open this modal', text: 'This is a test...
Good afternoon. Can be prompt. Is it possible to do so before proceeding to the next step to check whether the user has made a some action, such as fill...
Added lost client_secret param