This latest version is taking too long to start the server. Appears to use #define YSI_NO_OPTIMISATION_MESSAGE, but it still takes time. Appears to use JIT Plugin but in the repository...
Filterscript compiles normally without any errors. When I turn on the server it appears that the filterscript has been loaded, but when I enter the server, nothing related to filterscript...
It is not possible to detect if the user is banned from the guild?
I'm trying to create flags based on admin level, but it's not working! **I wanted to prevent admins below level 3 from using /test command:** ``` new CMD_ADM_1 = 1...
lua5.1 deamx.lua C:\Users\PC\OneDrive\Desktop\Lua\GM.amx **Error:** stdin:1: '=' expected near '.1'
After several tests trying to find out what was going wrong, I found that when an FS is unloaded the SetTimers stop. After removing timerfix from server.cfg it stopped happening....
Sorry for my ignorance, but I did not understand how I incorporate so that "Click to open" does not appear. I wish it were like this:
Why does this plugin not read .epub files? That would make it perfect!
The sent word: Palhaço Comes: Palhaço After **ut8decode**: Palhaç If sent: Palhaço de mérda Comes: Palhaço de mérda After **ut8decode**: Palhaço de mér (2 chars less)