Jiamin Zhu
Jiamin Zhu
I found that in in @InexactContentUri, there is a join attribute but not sure how to use it. I would like to generate a content uri that joins two tables...
成功实现了限制某个端口访问不能超过一个,撒花,么么哒! 但是我在电脑上断开连接以后,手机4G也迟迟连不上去,等了10分钟多了也连不上去。服务器上的日志一直是 ``` Mar 19 09:46:39 ip-172-31-12-118.us-west-1.compute.internal python[826]: 2017-03-19 09:46:39 ERROR [socket] the server_addrs *:8333 client more then the 1 Mar 19 09:47:14 ip-172-31-12-118.us-west-1.compute.internal python[826]: 2017-03-19 09:47:14 ERROR [socket] the...
例如 port 8300 无限制 port 8301 限制1个ip port 8302 限制2个ip 不同port之间无冲突
刚刚测试了一下我的手机,在4G连接vpn的状态播放视频,然后4G切换成wifi (例如我到家),再wifi切换成4G(例如我下班了),基本没什么问题,棒极了。 4G ---> wifi 在刚刚切换的时候,原来的连接还没有超时,新的wifi请求被干掉了,不过过一会前面的socket被砍掉,接受了新的。完全自动! wifi ---> 4G 原来的连接一直没超时,新的请求一直失败 ,最后我把Youtube应用关掉重开就好了(当然这很简单,所以说是小问题)。似乎是一个坚挺的google ads的访问一直在那里不死。。。 日志如下 https://gist.github.com/WalkerWalker/6231dc1f583dd2ec16fa923ab77c05d4 谢谢!
Thanks for making this!! It looks great. A suggestion would be to merge the history plot and the predication plot. The predication maybe can be indicated with lighter color or...
my current traefik setup is - traefik receives request at: `Host(mydomain.com) && PathPrefix(/service_a)` - route to `service_a@docker`, - and strip prefix `/service_a` - same goes for /service_b, /service_c, etc Now...
I believe jersey-common is necessary but it is missing from the readme https://github.com/docusign/docusign-esign-java-client?tab=readme-ov-file#dependencies ``` org.glassfish.jersey.core jersey-common 3.1.5 ```