Jiamin Zhu
Jiamin Zhu
dev 可以用,一看你的commit 我就觉得有戏。只加一次ip,干净对了 log在这里 https://gist.github.com/WalkerWalker/1fc1aa4fdd630f4be62bab14ac493c78 我是先在电脑上开了youtube,socket 建立 (line 5) 然后关了浏览器,都不用断vpn,socket就被干掉了 (line 119) 然后手机连上去,开了youtube,socket 建立 (line 127) 关了youtube应用,socket 也断了 (line 183) 后面发生的事情有点莫名其妙,大概是我电脑的某个进程突然开始访问google了,蛮奇怪的。。。先不管了,我等下再测试一下手机一边放youtube,一遍从4G切换成wifi,会是什么情况。
那个基本测试成功了,没啥大问题。我手边也没有 windows 和 android。。。。你说的 local.py 是什么文件?
啊,这方面我不太懂 运行了 local.py 然后呢? ``` [root@ip-172-31-12-118 shadowsocks]# python local.py -c /etc/shadowsocks.json INFO: loading config from /etc/shadowsocks.json 2017-03-19 18:18:39 INFO loading libsodium from libsodium.so.13 2017-03-19 18:18:39 INFO starting local at
唔。。这对我来说有点太快了。我执行了下面几步 1. 我是应该在我的aws ec2 上面是用老的socket.py (不会判断同一个ip只加一次), 2. 跑同样的server 3. 然后在mac上面,git clone下来shadowscoks项目, 4. 然后在mac上面,配置和server一模一样的config.json, 5. 运行local.py,参数是config.json 6. 然后去另一个窗口运行下面的命令打开chrome ``` open -a /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app --args --proxy-server="socks5://":host-resolver-rules="MAP * , EXCLUDE localhost" ```...
成功了!!刚刚我都要睡着想下个周末再弄了 https://gist.github.com/WalkerWalker/7c53659e5a08f9f4334d412ff366ba78 还是有两个add...
wow. cool. Super happy to be able to use this feature.
Looking forward to this feature!!!! Have been fighting with manual decompressing, upsert and compressing quite a lot and the dealing with deadlocks along the way. I am sure this feature...
Wonder if this feature covers this one or not? https://github.com/timescale/timescaledb/issues/4113
I also hope the immutatable model can be possible in sqlmodel. The same problem is reported in stackoverflow [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74732161/sqlmodel-forbid-mutation) The problem still exists in 0.0.8