
Results 4 issues of WaffleSouffle

public class SomeTests { internal class Given_non_generic_top { internal class Given_nested_non_generic : Given_non_generic_top { } } ``` internal class Nested_non_generic_test : Given_non_generic_top .Given_nested_non_generic { // Passes It Should_be_ok = ()...

Type: Bug

Tried on Windows [windows-npm-debug.txt](https://github.com/AmpersandJS/examples/files/208787/windows-npm-debug.txt) with node 4/5/master and Ubuntu 14_04 [build.ubuntu.txt](https://github.com/AmpersandJS/examples/files/208785/build.ubuntu.txt) with node 5. Build errors regarding node-gyp. Deleting all the restrictions on the versions in package.json enables npm install...