Wadeck Follonier

Results 25 comments of Wadeck Follonier

> Please hold until the number of open PRs is at a minimum. I think this is pretty valuable feedback for this PR. ---- > If this is accepted Nowadays...

@alecharp if there is no associated cost to keep it, I would like to keep it. It eases discovery to have it "public" like this instead of just being one...

_(side topic)_ @NotMyFault It could be interesting to find a way to prevent more recent initiatives to make previous PRs irrelevant, instead of re-using / adapting them to suit the...

Personally I think it's not a good idea to configure such approvals in an automatic way. What is acceptable in one instance will not be acceptable in another one. >...

> there's no straightforward migration path there We can split the method into two, annotate one with `@GET` and the second with `@POST`. One of the difference with `@RequirePOST`, the...

> it would better be deleted If you have a good wording / warning / recommended approach, or similar, please share it/them, I can add them ;) I was working...

Added some annotated screenshots and put more highlight on that section

> who can freely save scripts without them appearing on this page. Are you sure about this part? From my limited testing, when an admin configures a script / job...

> Was this intented? Yes, the code that was just split/moved is not modified. > Any chance you can use the same tab templates as provided by Jenkins core? Maybe...

> Fwiw, it'd be nice if i could sort by code, language, requester, request date Follow-up PR welcome :) > approve all selected / deny all selected -> please drop...