I feel good about the future of tibialyzer, and again appreciate all your effort! Further more don't let me forget about all the other individuals who are putting in input/ideas...
Having the same issue as me? I set in advanced options (health list) the char's I would like to keep an eye on being a ed this is super useful...
Yeah unfortunately no one else has spoken up, or maybe isn't having the same issues as us, but its really getting to me :p so hopefully someone or Myth him...
I received a notification email saying this probalen should be fixed just update it in the .exe launder aka tibialyzer and give er a go! I haven't been on since...
I haven't made it home to check my self with the program, but I will let you no soon as I get a chance to test it!
Has anyone got the HEALTH LIST working for there tibia 11 clients yet? and is anyones popup item value keep resetting?
Hey Mark (if that's okay to call you that, that is) thanks so much for the quick reply and fixing your program you do really great work and I showed...