Results 8 issues of 渣渣120

why percent is 0 will upload level score @Cvolton

遇到的问题: 多个相同键值绑定时由于无法单一解除绑定只能全部解绑再重新绑定

### Checklist - [X] I've **checked both [open and recently closed issues](** to ensure this feature is not already requested. - [X] I am using the **newest version** of TETR.IO....

feat: league

### Summary cannot change build.rollupOptions.output.entryFileNames > i saw the code just replace the extension name to match output > maybe can use `facadeModuleId` and `isEntry` attribute to help identify ?...


### Feature Request Provides a way to reopen the browser. For example, Vite can be restarted using the `r` key. #### Is your feature request related to a bug? N/A...


比如这首 播放该歌时会异常发送一堆 lyric 请求 禁用了其他插件并保留 RefinedNowPlaying 插件时问题依旧存在 ![图片](

# 场景 需要继续在后台执行一段函数, 如 `自动刷题`, `自动看课` 等 # 替代 显示一个大黑框提示用户不要关闭浏览器 # 建议 提供类似于 `Cat_runInBackground(name: string, fn: () => unknown): BackgroundFunctionInfo` 的方法 相同 name 时如果已运行则可以获取到一些运行的信息 > 其实还想获取一些额外信息, 比如尝试的次数, 日志等 但这样就完全想不到如何设计一个好的 Api...

11 to 15 is missed after reupload document of song object: