Make sure you unpause the game after loading the save file. This is something that needs fixing probably, but that's the quick help I can provide.
Happened to me recently. - I sell some of my equipment in-game. - I close the game and return to main menu. - I start a new game on Mars....
Sears Citadel is in a low, high velocity orbit which may be causing trouble. The autopilot would constantly try to adjust the trajectory to keep the velocity vector on the...
I am not expert, but I think the current autopilot has a too simple design - it can barely handle anything other than a brachistochrone transfer. "Fixing" that could involve...
For whoever is interested in fixing this: I was about to say that station orientations are not set according to player, but then I realized they do indeed appear with...
This just happened to me unpaused. And yes, I did try pausing and unpausing. It happened after I bought a new ship, if that helps. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29180904/168416573-4f85dda6-f190-4c6e-96dd-63ffcbba748e.mp4
I don't know how radar-picking-up-ships is done but if it's anything like the traffic counter, then the solution might be an if statement to check whether some method like a...
Pressing the loop mode could toggle between 3 options: "loop off", "loop from start", "follow mod-defined loops", third of which reveals a list of subsongs.
Bringing this issue up again because I lost my missile buttons recently.