I read a few papers and said that the distortion center will affect the radial distortion, so I want to ask, is the distortion center calculated separately in the code?
Hello,I want to know how to convert pre-trained model ( craft_refiner_CTW1500.pth ) to onnx ?
I want to know this package how to run on the wondows? It is not work on the windows?
MDB_CORRUPTED: Located page was wrong type
Hello, I want to know how to run this report on windows?
我的opencv环境是4.1.0,matlab环境是2018b、 无法编译成功,有遇到这个问题的嘛?
The trained model can be public? Is it consistent with the results in the paper?
Training the model , run the eval.py , It seems that the recognition is not work!