Hi Can this ISP burn the lock bits? Is the lgt8f lock bits the same as ATMega? Do read out protection work by the same manner as ATMega? Regards
I've used a translator and as I could see your programmer breaker the code protection for lgt8f, is it right? If this is true, for me this is a problem,...
Hi, I'm need to install a custom pack for Puya PY32 MCUs. I've saw some tricks unzipping the DFP and copying some pdsc files to a specific folder, but I'm...
Hi, Have anyone get a JTAG debug session with BL616? I have a M0P board from Sipeed and I've tried to debug conecting JTAG signals on GPIO0..3 with CKLink debugger,...
Hi Could you add SO_REUSEADDR on wiz_setsockopt? Regards
Hi, I'm using picoprobe and pyocd to flash py32f002 uC, but when i'm trying your config file launch.json to debug through vscode/picoprobe, nothing happens. What could be the problem? Can...
Please release BL616/618 manual with USB Controller description and registers.
Has BL616/618 SD Host controller support for eMMC devices? If yes, is there a 8bit interface available?
Hi, What version of python, pyocd and cmsis-pack-manager are you using? I'm trying to do your steps, but cmd or Power Shell can't find pack-manager. Regards.