Results 30 issues of WGH

Currently, the documentation for Request.Depth claims "Depth is the number of the parents of the request". However, the very first request has a Depth of 1, even though it clearly...

```go package main import ( "log" "net/http" "github.com/gocolly/colly/v2" ) func main() { // we have to disable Accept-Encoding: gzip, // because the remote server might send compressed // 404 page,...


See #1996. Every commit has detailed description. I've implemented the fallback approach so far: if RE2 support is enabled, every regular expression is compiled with RE2, and if that fails,...

new feature

The intention of `DPanic` is to catch errors that should never happen. Unless you added `zaptest.WrapOptions(zap.Development())`, they were previously silently ignored. The downside of this change, however, that it's impossible...

Today I checked the logs and noticed the following error during attempt to send a message: ``` [2019-11-24 16:58:08,439] [[email protected]] Received event: {'age': 130, 'content': {'body': '', 'msgtype': 'm.text'}, 'event_id':...

In cases where `bwrap` runs its own additional PID 1 process (e.g. `--unshare-pid`), `child-pid` is the PID of that process, not the PID of the user-specified COMMAND. This is inconvenient...

This library currently always prefers to use `encoding.BinaryUnmashaler` when it's implemented by the target type. This might lead to problems when the type also has a text representation implemented as...

## Expected Behavior `msgpack` successfully unmarshals a type implementing both `encoding.TextUnmarshaler` and `encoding.BinaryUnmashaler` using the former interface when the data is of a `str` format, and is stored in text...

Existing generic helpers always call `defer rows.Close()`. Examples of their usage also omit external `defer rows.Close()` call. For clarity, state that explicitly, because that's another point why one would want...

This was "fixed" in b4ca6a7a17 (#763), but the fix turned out to be incomplete. That fix only allowed redirects leading to the same URL as the original destination, and didn't...