Results 30 issues of WGH

Many drivers, like [the HackRF one](https://github.com/pothosware/SoapyHackRF), don't have frequency correction implemented, because the hardware doesn't have the ability. For these devices `setFrequencyCorrection` is no-op, and `hasFrequencyCorrection` also returns false. However,...

According to the manual ("9.1.4 Alternate functions (AF)"), > If software configures a GPIO pin as Alternate Function Output, but peripheral is not activated, its output is not specified. So...


`WDIE` should be only cleared in "Interrupt and System Reset Mode". The fix is to add `&& avr_regbit_get(avr, p->wde)` condition. https://github.com/buserror/simavr/blob/a56b550872906a971ac128002772d90c9e30377d/simavr/sim/avr_watchdog.c#L172-L188 I think I'll submit a PR (unless someone does...

`packet_size` is supposed to return "The size (in bytes) of an instance when converted into a byte-array". However, this doesn't work correctly when complex variable length fields are present. Consider...

``` $ radare2 --version radare2: invalid option -- '-' radare2 3.6.0 0 @ linux-x86-64 git.3.6.0 commit: HEAD build: 2019-06-25__17:22:11 $ r2pm -v r2pm 3.6.0 $ r2pm -i bpf Already up...

Related to #13 which was closed for no apparent reason. As soon as server replies with 101 Switching Protocols, anything after HTTP headers is no longer HTTP protocol. > The...

When libhtp encounters headers with repeated name, it unconditionally concatenates them with ", " into a single header. Unfortunately, it seems to do more harm than good. For example, consider...

This is useful for simple setups that don't require full-blown CAs for mutual authentication. An example of a program that support this type of client auth is Postfix (see [`permit_tls_clientcerts`](http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#permit_tls_clientcerts))....

### Description Message text search doesn't work with URL. Even if you search for URL exactly as it was in a message, search will not return any results. ### Steps...


See #745 for more information. Closes #745